Ram Lal Kapoor Trust is dedicated to the in-depth research and meticulous publication of Vedic literature. Our scholars work tirelessly to preserve ancient texts and ensure their teachings are accessible […]
The Trust has an extensive catalog of publications that cover various aspects of Vedic knowledge. These works are aimed at scholars and general readers alike, providing insights into Vedic rituals, […]
Swami Siyaram Vedic Pustakalaya, under the RLK Trust, is a dedicated library housing an extensive collection of rare manuscripts and ancient texts, some over a hundred years old. The library’s […]
Swami Siyaram Vedic Pustakalaya, under the RLK Trust, is a dedicated library housing an extensive collection of rare manuscripts and ancient texts, some over a hundred years old. The library’s […]
To support our publishing activities, we operate a dedicated printing press. This facility ensures that our publications are produced with the highest quality and efficiency. By managing our own printing, […]
Digitising rare manuscripts preserves them from decay and damage, while allowing global access without handling the originals. This process ensures the manuscripts’ knowledge is safeguarded for future generations.
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